About Us
SunRegen Healthcare AG
a Swiss Basel-region based biopharmaceutical company with a mission to develop drugs to treat neurodegenerative diseases.

We focus on innovative treatments for patients suffering from ophthalmic, neurological, and neuromuscular diseases. Our first candidate drug is in development for Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and in evaluation for other Retina Neurodegenerative Diseases including dry AMD, Optic Atrophy. We initially focus on rare diseases with great unmet medical need and blockbuster potential, and then will expand to other diseases. We will further evaluating them for use in serious neurological / neuromuscular diseases such as Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson and ALS diseases.

Our team is composed of passionate and innovative founders and experts who have solid track records in rug development and clinical research in multinational pharmaceutical companies or management experience in international technology enterprises. Their determination in bringing life-changing treatments to patients encompasses everything they do.

Drug Development
Our solutions
SunRegen is developing drug candidates with the substantial characteristics:
  • Unique neuro-rescuing effects against neuronal apoptosis.
  • Strong neuroprotective effects against multiple misfolded protein aggregates.
  • Strong neurite outgrowth promoting effects.
  • Anticipated favourable safety and tolerability profile.
  • With a good uptake by the brain and retina.
  • News
    SunRegen Healthcare AG is leveraging the global pharmaceutical development ecosystem and building partnerships with professional CROs/CMOs, academic institutions, and service organizations related to pharmaceutical development.
    We have received fundings from local and international investors. Additional grants were awarded by Innosuisse, BaseLaunch, EU Horizontal 2020 program.
    Should you be interested, please send your inquiry to: info@sunregen.ch
    Join us
    Welcome experienced scientists from the CNS and retinal field or industry experts for preclinical/clinical development to contact us. Please send your CV and motivation letter to hr@sunregen.ch
    Contact Us

      SunRegen Healthcare AG


      Switzerland Innovation Park BaselArea

      Gewerbestrasse 24, 4123 Allschwil


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